The holiday season is a lovely and memorable time of year, but it can sometimes be a little overwhelming. Many families feel the need to uphold traditions, exchange gifts, attend events, and the list goes on! These activities should be enjoyable for everyone, including caregivers and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease. We have put together a list of seven holiday tips to help everyone enjoy the season.

1. Plan ahead. Decide on the activities and events you would like to participate in and prepare for them ahead of time. Figure out the various logistics and pickup needed items in advance.

2. Take care of yourself. You can go on a walk, practice deep breathing, or wash your hands. Taking care your yourself will also benefit your care recipient; you give the best care when you are feeling your best.

3. Have a quiet place to recuperate. If you plan on hosting or attending large gatherings, prepare a quiet room in case your Alzheimer’s loved one feels overwhelmed.

4. Find some support. Talk with a friend or attend a caregiver support group. A listening ear may be just the support you need to relieve holiday stressors.

5. Involve your Alzheimer’s loved one. The type of activity may vary depending on disease progression but there is always something to do. Involve them in decorating cookies, watching a movie, or singing family favorites. Even a simple hug can go a long way.

6. Check decorations. The holiday season is often filled with highly decorated houses which are beautiful but could also be a trip hazard for some Alzheimer’s patients. Try to keep decorations out of walkways and secure any hanging fixtures that could fall and cause injury.

7. Keep it simple. The holidays aren’t the time to compete with Rachel Ray and her a 3-tiered marzipan fruit cake. It’s a time to enjoy yourself along with your loved ones. Set realistic, meaningful goals for your holiday season. Don’t worry about what other people are doing, do what’s best for you and your care recipient. And most importantly, have fun!