One of the organizations that has stepped up to the fight against Alzheimer’s disease is Hilarity for Charity. Hilarity for Charity (HFC) was founded by actors Seth Rogan and Lauren Miller Rogen. HFC supports family caregivers by providing valuable resources, promoting brain health research, and inspiring the next generation to do the same. Family caregivers are the unsung heroes in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

Since 2012, HFC has sought to support family caregivers by providing resources that are available across the country. These include online support groups, self-care materials, and grants for respite care. HFC partners with Home Instead to provide extended, in-home respite care that ranges from 3-6 months, for free! All these resources can be found on the HFC website with links to platforms such as the Map Habit which uses visualization tools and mindfulness techniques to create structured habits that can be comforting for some care recipients.

In addition to providing resources for family caregivers, HFC has recently launched HFCUniverse, a growing online course catalog promoting healthy lifestyle habits for high school and college students because “It’s never too early to start taking care of your brain”.

HFC plans to expand their impact on those affected by Alzheimer’s by creating more resources to alleviate caregiver burden and to inspire the upcoming generation of advocates against Alzheimer’s. We at PAAD-2 are proud to be in the fight with them!


Hilarity for Charity (HFC) is dedicated to promoting brain health research. Check out our article discussing the 5 brain health tips from the HFC team, based on that research: