The Kate R. Barrett Student Professional Development Award

The Kate R. Barrett Student Professional Development Award

Purpose of Award

To enrich the Department of Kinesiology and the School of Health and Human Sciences by making possible the attendance of one or two graduate students/year (undergraduate in special situation) to experience cutting edge professional development.


  • Graduate students having completed at least one semester of full time study in the Department of Kinesiology .
  • Undergraduate students with faculty sponsorship and under special situations.
  • Minimum of 3.5 GPA for graduate students.
  • Minimum of 3.2 GPA for undergraduate students.
  • Demonstrated curiosity and a commitment to continued professional learning.

Additional Requirements

Recipients are asked to give a department-wide presentation sharing insights and information gained from their recent experience.


Colleagues, friends and alumni established the Kate R. Barrett Student Professional Development fund in 1997 upon Dr. Barrett’s retirement from the faculty of the School of Health and Human Performance.

Dr. Kate Barrett

Dr. Barrett’s career while at UNCG, 1970-1997, focused on teacher education in physical education with emphasis on children’s programs and the development of skilled movement in dance, games and gymnastics. In addition to publishing in many professional journals and authoring numerous textbooks, she taught key courses to undergraduate and graduate teacher education majors and advised many masters and doctoral students. Among Dr. Barrett’s state and national honors include awards from NCAHPERD, NASPE, COPEC and The Research Consortium of AAHPERD. She was the 1984 recipient of the UNCG Alumni Association’s Teaching Excellence Award, served on and chaired numerous university committees and was UNCG’s Director of Teacher Education in the School of Education from 1989-1992. In 1998 Dr. Barrett was awarded the distinguished Alumni Award (as an honorary alumna) by the UNCG School of Health and Human Performance and in 2002-2003 the School’s Distinguished Service Award.

How to Apply
Application openings will be announced by the KIN Awards Committee Chair and are usually in mid-January. Please watch for the call for applications and submit your application electronically by email to the person(s) listed in that announcement.

To apply, please submit a short letter (maximum of 2 pages) that includes all of the following information:

  1. Describe the professional development activity you wish to attend.
  2. What do you plan to do (i.e. what type of activities will you engage in)?
  3. What outcomes will you achieve?
  4. How will this experience benefit your professional development?
  5. How do you intend to share your experience with the rest of the Department?
  6. On a separate (3rd) budget page, please itemize the costs of your proposed professional development activity (travel, any registration or supply costs, etc.)

In addition, a letter of support from your advisor is required. If your application will involve working with an external organization, a letter of support will also be required from the external organization. Please submit these documents electronically to

If you have questions, please contact the KIN Awards Committee Chair, Dr. Paul Davis at