Joint Program in Social Work

Universities of NCA&T and UNCG

Contemporary Slavery and Trafficking in Persons: Global Narratives

Dr. Monico engaged with other faculty and students on a multi-year research project on human trafficking globally and in North Carolina. Findings of phase 1 of the project led to the development of a chapter for the book Contemporary Slavery and Trafficking in Persons: Global Narratives. Results of phase 2 are being summarized into a manuscript for future publication.

The project involved Jennifer Toller Erausquin, Associate Professor and Associate in the Department Chair Department of Public Health Education at University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG) and Rachel Faller, PhD Candidate in the same program, as well as Haley Cole, former Elon College Fellow and alumna, and Melody Fisherlewek, Elon University graduate from the Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies (WGSS).

Preliminary findings were presented at a World Congress of Sociology in Canada during summer 2018. A book virtual launch is proposed for the spring 2022.


Monico, C., Faller, R., Cole, H. & Erausquin, J. T. (2022) “Push-Pull” factors influencing the demand and supply of human trafficking: A theoretical framework for identifying and assessing human trafficking. In A. K. Acharya, J. Bryson Clark & M. L. Martinez Sanchez (1st Ed). Contemporary Slavery and Trafficking in Persons: Global Narratives. Mayan Publishing House. ISNB: 978-9164200-6.

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