Joint Program in Social Work

Universities of NCA&T and UNCG

Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research

Dr. Monico got another peer-reviewed article published in 2021: “Implications of irregular transnational adoptions within international standards: A review of intercountry adoption systems and Guatemalan birthmother perspectives.” The article was published in a Special Issue of Childhood titled, Irregularities in Transnational Adoptions and Child Appropriations: Challenges for Reparation Practices.

The article is an original manuscript drawing heavily from the constructivist inquiry conducted as part of Dr. Monico’s dissertation work. Before publication of this article, the findings and discussion of the constructivist research per se had not been published in an academic journal or with book publishers in English.

However, at the suggestion of the research participants, as part of the devolution process and to engage in advocacy with local institutions, the study findings were summarized in a book in Spanish. The book was edited by the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, a limited edition printed with a Guatemalan local printing business, and distributed to policymakers, government institutions, and nonprofits involved in adoptions in Guatemala, as well as to national university libraries.

A complimentary copy of the book in Spanish can be made available to any university library or social work practitioner working with Guatemalan clients by writing to the author:

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