HHS Advising Center


The questions below are ones that many students have during advising and registration. Students can get answers to many other questions at the Students First website, including Live Chat with an advisor.

The General Education program at UNCG helps students to gain a foundation of knowledge to combine with their specialized, major curriculum. It prepares students to become lifelong learners, and ethical, independent decision makers. There are 8 different categories of coursework, some of which may be taken in your major.

UNCG uses two systems to help students track their progress through the major, depending on the Undergraduate Bulletin year you are following. Most newer students will track their progress with Degree Works. Students are encouraged to consult their departmental or concentration graduation plan of study regularly.

Students can explore their options by doing a ‘what-if analysis’ in Degree Works (PDF).

Students can watch a video or follow instructions for looking up the name of an advisor on the Students First website.

NO! Many majors in the School of HHS have secondary admission requirements, including completion of certain course work or a minimum GPA. Check with your department, or Director of Undergraduate Study for details.

Students can access step-by-step instructions for registering for classes at the Students First web page. Remember, students should consult with an advisor at least once or twice a year. These faculty and staff are specially trained to help keep students ‘on track’ for graduation. Preparing beforehand to make the most of these meetings is important. Students are encouraged to consult their departmental or concentration plan of study in preparation for registering for courses.

Students should consult the Office of Admissions website to determine if Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate scores meet requirements for college credits.

Typically, only courses with grades of C or higher transfer to UNCG. There is no limit on how many credits a student can transfer from an approved 4 year institution; but, only 64 credits can be transferred from an approved 2 year institution. Only the credit transfers from another institution. Grades (or GPA) do not transfer! Students can transfer courses from the NC Community College System or from other approved 2 or 4 year institution.

Students may wish to compute their GPA for a number of reasons, including how to raise their overall GPA, or how it will change after grade replacement. They may calculate a GPA based on different scenarios at the Students First Office website.

Students must file an appeal for a grade change within 6 months after the grade is posted. They must first discuss their concerns with their instructor. If any issues remain unresolved, they may appeal to the Department Chair/Head, and then to the Dean of the School. When determining whether to appeal a grade (PDF), students should make certain that their concern is considered to be in a category that warrants an appeal. In the School of HHS, students should complete the grade appeal form (PDF).

Students with other concerns/complaints (other than grades) should consult the HHS complaint process for students.