
Alumni 2022-2023

Pacesetter Awards

These awards honor outstanding alumni in the School of HHS who have attained local, state, or regional recognition through their achievements in scholarship, leadership, or service during their career or through civic involvement. Each Department selected a Pacesetter awardee to honor.

Gabrielle S. Evans Gabrielle Evans (‘14 BS, ‘16 MPH) Public Health Education Gabrielle S. Evans, PhD(c), MPH, CHES(she/her) is a sexuality educator and researcher from North Carolina and a…
Tom Martinek, Jr. Thomas Martinek, Jr. (’11 MS) Peace and Conflict Studies Peace and Conflict Studies alumni, Tom Martinek, Jr. is a prime candidate for the Alumni HHS…
Jessica Pastuf Jessica Pastuf (’18 BS) Nutrition Jessica completed her BS degree in Nutrition at UNCG in 2018 before pursuing her master’s degree in sport nutrition…
Dr. Katie Wurst Dr. Katie Wurst (’18 EdD) Kinesiology Dr. Katie Wurst, is a 2018 graduate of the EdD in Kinesiology program at UNCG. Katie recently changed jobs…
Dr. Yuliana Rodriguez Dr. Yuliana Rodriguez (‘08 BS, ‘11 MS, ‘15 PHD) Human Development and Family Studies Dr. Yuliana Rodriguez earned her PhD in Human Development and Family Studies from the University…
Ann Marie DiSerafino Ann Marie DiSerafino (’21 MS) Gerontology Ann Marie DiSerafino is a Regional Service Coordinator for Resources for Seniors (RFS) in Wake County, NC. RFS is…
Meagan Farmer Meagan Farmer (’12 MS) Genetic Counseling Program Meagan is the Senior Marketing Manager in Population Health at Ambry Genetics where she develops and manages…
Sharon Lamm Williams Sharon Williams (’99 BS) Community and Therapeutic Recreation Sharon Lamm Williams is an alumna of the Department of Community and Therapeutic Recreation earning her…
Austin Collum Austin Collum (‘17 MA) Communication Sciences and Disorders Upon graduation from UNCG in 2017 Austin secured a Clinical Fellowship at the Lakeshore Professional Voice…