
Alumni Awards

Nominations for 2022-23 are due by May 20, 2023.


Nomination Requirements:

Additional Requirements:

  • Current members of the HHS Alumni Association Board of Directors and current employees of UNCG are not eligible for an award.
  • Typically, awards are not made posthumously.
  • Nominations may be made by anyone except the nominee.
  • Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis, but each award cycle will close on May 20 (i.e. nominations received after May 20 will be considered for the next year).

An Alumni Awards Ceremony is held to honor these alumni for their important local, regional, national, and international contributions.

HHS Awards

HHS Distinguished Alumni Award

This award is the highest honor given by the School of Health and Human Sciences to an outstanding alumnus/a. It recognizes persons who have attained national and/or international stature through their achievements in one or more of these areas:  teaching, scholarship, service (professional or civic), administration, or leadership (professional or civic), creative endeavors, human relationships and inspiration.

HHS Lifetime Legacy Award

This award is for an alumnus/a who has served as a pioneer in his/her field of study and who has tirelessly given of his/her treasure through time or talents spanning a number of decades. This honoree may be selected from among the alumni of any of the 9 departments and programs in the school.

HHS Public Service Award

This award may be given to an individual or group who, in his or her role as a member of the faculty (including emeriti faculty), staff, administration, or as alumni or friends, has made an extraordinary contribution to the mission and advancement of the School of Health and Human Sciences.

HHS Emerging Leader Alumni Award

The award recognizes exceptional achievements and significant contributions to the recipient’s profession or community/society or university. The recipient exemplifies outstanding professional and personal development either through traditional channels or innovative approaches. This honoree may be selected from among alumni from any of the eight departments and 2 programs of the School, within 10 years after their graduation.

HHS Pacesetter Awards

These awards honor outstanding alumni in the School who have attained local, state or regional recognition through their achievements in scholarship, leadership or service, during their career or through civic involvement. Each Department and Program may select a Pacesetter awardee to honor each year.