Gabrielle Evans (‘14 BS, ‘16 MPH)

Gabrielle S. Evans

Public Health Education
Gabrielle S. Evans, PhD(c), MPH, CHES(she/her) is a sexuality educator and researcher from North Carolina and a proud citizen of the Haliwa-Saponi Tribe. Gabrielle is the co-founder of The Minority Sex Report, LLC, an award winning platform, whose mission is to provide representation in sexuality education. The Minority Sex Report, LLC also addresses barriers to achieving optimal sexual health for communities of color as well as intersectional inequalities faced by Black and Native communities.

Gabrielle has taught comprehensive sexuality education since 2016, facilitating programs for faith-based organizations, providers, and Native American adolescents. Gabrielle is also a doctoral candidate at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston pursuing her Ph.D. in Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences. Her research focuses on reducing sexual health disparities among Native American populations and analyzing the impact of historical and present traumas on Native sexual health.

As a sexuality educator and researcher, Gabrielle hopes to expand research on Native sexual well-being.

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