The School of Health and Human Sciences invites all UNCG students to trick or treat on October 31 from 2:30-4:30pm, followed by a party in the Advising Center lounge until 5:30pm!
- Stop by each of our departments (listed below) on the HHS Trick or Treat Trail for some candy!
- If you visit all of the HHS departments, you’ll be eligible to spin the prize wheel
- Stop by the HHS Advising Center party when you’re done (2:30-5:30pm, 422 Moore Building) for a party and refreshments!
- Bring your completed passport to win prizes
- If you are an HHS student with advising questions, our team will be on hand to help or schedule appointments
All UNCG students are welcome! Costumes are highly encouraged but not required.
Already in HHS? Come by and say hi! Thinking about an HHS major or minor? This is a great, informal way to learn more about our programs.
Not Able to Participate in Person? No Problem!
If you are not able to participate in person, we’ll have an online scavenger hunt option so you can still get in on the fun and win prizes.
Trick or Treat Trail stops (HHS departments):
Start at any of our HHS departments (list below) or the HHS Advising Center. Pick up a trick or treat bag + an HHS passport punch card and map of the Trick or Treat Trail stops.

Genetic Counseling Building (996 Spring Garden, corner of Spring Garden and Tate):
Genetic Counseling: Genetic Counseling Building lobbyFerguson Building:
Communication Sciences and Disorders: Ferguson 2nd floor lobby
Community and Therapeutic Recreation: Ferguson 2nd floor lobby
Gerontology: Ferguson 2nd floor lobby
Students should enter the front door of Ferguson and the party will be behind the double doors.Coleman Building:
Public Health Education: 437 Coleman (PHE suite)
Kinesiology: 237 Coleman1510 Building:
Peace and Conflict Studies: R413/PCS office lobby
Come in the Walker Avenue door (front of building). Turn right and go up the stairs. Dr. Rinker’s
office is R408 and will also be in the lobby or conference room (R413). Both locations are in the
same hall.Stone Building:
Nutrition: 318 Stone (NTR Office)
Human Development and Family Studies: 248 Stone
Human Health Sciences: 229 Stone
Social Work: 269 StoneMoore Building:
HHS Advising Center: 422 Moore/Student Lounge