Awards Faculty & Staff Awards – 2020 Faculty & Staff Awards – 2020 Community-Engaged Scholar Award Dr. Paul Davis Department of Kinesiology Contributions to Diversity & Inclusion Award Dr. Yarneccia Dyson Department of Social Work HHS Graduate Mentoring Award Babbi Hawkins Department of Nutrition HHS Teaching Excellence Award Elizabeth Webb Department of Social Work Junior Research Excellence Award Dr. Jigna Dharod Department of Nutrition Jerry & Joan Morrison Tolley/Gail M. Hennis Graduate Teaching Award Dr. Jaclyn Maher Department of Kinesiology Mary Frances Stone Teaching Excellence Award Dr. DeAnne Brooks Department of Kinesiology Outstanding Staff Award Michael Scotto HHS Dean’s Office Senior Research Excellence Award Dr. Ang Chen Department of Kinesiology Awards overview menuAwards Overview 2021-2022 Awards 2021-2022 2020-2021 Awards 2020-2021 2019-2020 Awards 2019-2020 2018-2019 awards 2018-2019 2018-2019Faculty & Staff 2017-2018 awards 2017-2018 2017-2018Scholarships UNCG Student Excellence Awards Faculty & Staff 2017 University Excellence Awards 2016-2017 awards 2016-2017 2016-2017Scholarships UNCG Student Excellence Awards Faculty & Staff
Faculty & Staff Awards – 2020 Faculty & Staff Awards – 2020 Community-Engaged Scholar Award Dr. Paul Davis Department of Kinesiology Contributions to Diversity & Inclusion Award Dr. Yarneccia Dyson Department of Social Work HHS Graduate Mentoring Award Babbi Hawkins Department of Nutrition HHS Teaching Excellence Award Elizabeth Webb Department of Social Work Junior Research Excellence Award Dr. Jigna Dharod Department of Nutrition Jerry & Joan Morrison Tolley/Gail M. Hennis Graduate Teaching Award Dr. Jaclyn Maher Department of Kinesiology Mary Frances Stone Teaching Excellence Award Dr. DeAnne Brooks Department of Kinesiology Outstanding Staff Award Michael Scotto HHS Dean’s Office Senior Research Excellence Award Dr. Ang Chen Department of Kinesiology